Schematic of self-assembled nanomaterials on skin wounds

Self-Assembled Nanomaterials for Chronic Skin Wound Healing

Chronic wounds can be caused by several underlying molecular and cellular pathophysiological mechanisms, including poor vascularization, excessive extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation by proteases, decreased growth factor activity, and bacterial infection. More effective wound therapies need to address one or more of these mechanisms to significantly advance wound care. Self-assembled nanomaterials may provide new therapeutic options…

Defense or repair: How immune cells are controlled during wound healing

A Cologne-based research team has discovered that the metabolism of mitochondria, the energy suppliers of cells, in macrophages coordinate wound healing to a significant degree. Macrophages belong to the white blood cells and are also known as scavenger cells. Professor Dr. Sabine Eming and her collaborators and colleagues at the CECAD Cluster of Excellence for…

Research Uncovers New Mechanism that Promotes Wound Healing in Skin

A University of California, Irvine-led study identifies a new molecular pathway that promotes the healing of wounds in the skin. Titled, “GRHL3 activates FSCN1 to relax cell-cell adhesions between migrating keratinocytes during wound re-epithelialization,” the study was published in JCI Insight. The molecular pathway identified is controlled by an evolutionary conserved gene called a Grainyhead…

Not all Acne is Equal: Scientists Reveal Strains of C. acnes that Promote Skin Health

A study led by Osaka City University and Okayama University researchers on Caenorhabditis elegans shows that certain strains of the bacteria Cutibacterium acnes actually prolong the nematode’s lifespan and help its innate immune system fight against the pathogen Staphylococcus aureus.     Cutibacterium acnes, a bacteria that is known to cause acne, is also widely…

Updated Treatment for Acne: Targeted Therapy Based on Pathogenesis

One of many topics which will discussed during the 12th International Conference on Skin Ageing and Challenges 2021 is Updated Treatment for Acne: Targeted Therapy Based on Pathogenesis. Recent advances have further elucidated the pathogenesis of acne: it is now clear that immunological factors play an important role. To date, acne pathogenesis has implicated four…

Skin whitening products and their ingredients for safety, health risk, and the halal status

One of  study dedicated to the 12th International Conference on Skin Ageing and Challenges is Skin whitening products and their ingredients for safety, health risk, and the halal status published by Fatin Nur Majdina Nordin and al.  This review paper aimed to shed light on the skin-whitening ingredients and their issues related to safety, health…

The Pathobiology of Skin Aging: New Insights into an Old Dilemma

One of the great topics that will be discussed during the 12th International Conference on Skin Ageing and Challenges 2021 is The Pathobiology of Skin Aging: New Insights into an Old Dilemma by Georges Murphy.   Long considered both physiologic and inevitable, skin aging is a degenerative phenomenon whereby both intrinsic and environmental factors conspire to…

Apple cider vinegar soaks do not alter the skin bacterial microbiome in atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a common skin disease characterized by altered cutaneous immunity in which patients often exhibit lower skin microbiota diversity compared to healthy skin and are prone to colonization by Staphylococcus aureus. Apple cider vinegar has been shown to have antibacterial effects; however, its effects on the skin microbiome have not previously been well-described.…

Best Image Contest – Skin Challenges 2020 Congress

Among the Best Images contest submitted images, the organizing committee selected Dr. Lia Mara Grosso Neves’s submission. Dr. Neves also will present a short oral entitled “Polysaccharide‐rich hydrogel formulation combined with photobiomodulation repairs UV‐induced photodamage in mice skin” during the Skin Challenges 2020 Virtual Congress. Summary of talk: The development of new therapies for the…