Welcome note 2022

Dear Colleagues,

The scientific committee is delighted to announce to you their newest edition concerning Skin Topics.

The 13th International Conference on Skin Ageing and Challenges will be held on November 17-18, 2022 at Altis Grand Hotel, Lisbon, Portugal and Online..

During both days, many oral and poster communications will be presented and will cover many hot topics. Skin Challenges 2022 is organized under the patronage of the International Society of Microbiota (ISM).

Ageing is an international issue that has social, economic and individual impacts. Preventing it and decreasing its side effects (all related pathologies) are major challenges for humanity. Thus, the understanding of ageing and in particular skin ageing mechanisms will allow us to live longer, better and healthier.

During Skin Challenges 2022, the Scientific Committee will allocate significant time to discuss the latest advances related to skin homeostasis and ageing. Our objective is to provide answers and to give a future vision and trends on: how can the current researches delay the side effects of ageing and skin ageing?

Highlights of Skin Ageing & Challenges 2022

Skin microbiome and mycobiome, skin cancer, atopic skin inflammation, wound healing, engineered stem cells and silk biomaterials, exosome technology, mitochondria & skin, skin ageing, skin rejuvenation, senolytic flavonoids, skin photo-protection, facial aesthetics, diet and skin, artificial intelligence, electronic skin, the impact of olfactory receptors on microbiota & wound healing, and more…

As in previous years, a strong focus will be again to foster the exchange between academia, basic research and industry, and applied research.

We will also provide more time and space to present the recent innovations, biotechnology products and devices. 

Among the Topics which will be discussed during 2 days congress:

Skin Microbiota – Recent Scientific Advances

Skin Regeneration & Wound Healing

Lifestyle, Diet and Skin Ageing : The Inside Beauty

Skin Challenges 2022 Innovations:

  • Artificial Intelligence & Skin: Advances & Perspective
  • Extracellular Vesicles & Skin: The Points of View

As the meeting will be hybrid, kindly note that all communications and talks will be recorded and will be added to our platform for future access on demand.

As always, we are very much looking forward to meeting you.


Prof. Jean Krutmann
President of Skin Ageing & Challenge 2022
IUF – Leibniz Research Institute for
Environmental Medicine, Leibniz

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