During the 9th International Conference on Skin Challenges held in February 26-27, 2018, the Scientific Committee awarded the French company Greentech for their industrial innovation.

The scientific committee stated: “Greentech removed the barrers between industries and academics, and allowed to have a constructive scientific exchange”.
According to Prof. Edith Filaire and Greentech team: “The congress was very interesting, rich in high-level and up to date scientific presentations ranging from interventions on the latest data related to aging and exposome, and to the relationship between microbiota and its role in the skin. The congress brings together public and private researchers who had opportunity to discuss and exchange about cosmetic applications of presented basic results. After each session, discussion was very intense between researchers. It was a nice challenge for private researchers to be confronted with academic research.”
About Greentech:
For 25 years, the Biotech company GREENTECH is developing active ingredients for cosmetic and delivers customers in more than 40 countries in the world. The company has subsidiaries in US (GREENTECH US), in Germany (GREENTECH GmbH) and now in Brazil (MAPRIC, 35 years local company producing ingredients from brasilian plants for cosmetics, pharmacy and nutraceuticals). The raw materials used by GREENTECH Group are plants, seaweeds and algae (thanks to her subsidiary GREENSEA) and micro-organisms (thanks to her subsidiary BIOVITIS). The success of the companies is due to proximity and service supplied to customers but also to continuous and dynamic innovation process in concepts and also in sciences. GREENTECH has developed a sustainable network of sourcing with local and faithful local producers in many countries, who allows GREENTECH to have quality raw materials
Greentech has developed a powerful anti-pollution skin protector, URBALYS® using an extract from berries concentrate in lignans. The active ingredient stimulates central barrier functions to fight the negative effects of pollution. Indeed, URBALYS® is a powerful global anti-pollution skin protector with 4 global actions to protect skin from pollutants. 1) It protects at molecular level by activating genes implicated in redox balance, detoxification and skin barrier integrity 2) it protects at cellular level by limiting the induction of the inflammation and by limiting the overproduction of ROS and then, by modulating the cellular defences and maintaining the redox balance 3) It protects at tissular level by strengthening the cutaneous barrier and maintaining the dermis integrity 4) At organ level, URBALYS® protects from prolonged pollution aggression since it improves hydration, protects skin homogeneity, increases skin radiance and luminosity and attenuates skin spot intensity after 21 days of pollution exposition.